Here are five books I’d recommend checking out, if you haven’t already read them.
- #1 — The Pragmatic Programmer — This is, by far, one of my favorite development books and I recommend everyone read it at least once.
- #2 — Gray Hat Hacking – The Ethical Hacker’s Handbook — While not specifically geared towards software development, there are plenty of topics that developers should consider giving some thought to.
- #3 — Threat Modeling: Designing for Security — Even in eBook format, this book is massive. No matter whether you’re building applications for mobile devices, websites, or desktops, there’s something to be gained from this book.
- #4 — Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CSSLP CBK — Even if you are not going for the CSSLP certification, there are still some great concepts developers should keep in mind throughout the SDLC.
- #5 — Job Reconnaissance: Using Hacking Skills to Win the Job Hunt Game — Another one that’s not specifically geared towards developers, but I found the advice to be quite useful. Even if you are a highly technical individual, controlling your ‘brand’ is important. I also like the idea of doing a bit of reconnaissance early on to find specific companies of interest, rather than relying on a company to find you.